Love, Light & Healing

Posts by christine

Telephone Readings

Posted By on August 16, 2013 in Blog |

Telephone Readings

Lighthouse Healing and Readings now have our own YouTube channel: LighthouseReadingsTV In the video we give a full, understandable explanation of how Telephone Readings work. Please watch, Subscribe, enjoy, like and share with all your...


Posted By on May 3, 2012 in Testimonials |


Hi Christine, I visited you in great trepidation at a time when i felt my life was stalled. I knew where i wanted to go but wasnt sure about so many things as to whether i was going about my life changes in the right way. on entering your home and especially the room where you do your consultations/healing/readings i felt such peace come into me and all the nervousness left me. What your Friends Upstairs told me through you confirmed i was heading...


Posted By on May 3, 2012 in Testimonials |


Dear Christine I came and saw you in March this year as I had cancer and needed Healing. There is so much love and peace in the Healing Room that it uplifts you immediately. You have a wonderful gift and I feel so priviledged to be receiving that gift from you and your “friends”. I was very distressed and felt very sorry for myself when I arrived at your home. I was at the “why me” stage of affairs. This was the second time...


Posted By on May 3, 2012 in Testimonials |


To my dear friend Christine I first came to see you after my daughter Abigails tragic passing. Abigail was only 15 years old when her life on earth came to an end. There is nothing worse for any parent. I felt so confused and lost, so many things were happening to me. I needed someone to talk to and reassurance that I wasn’t going mad, nobody around me understood how I was feeling, we all grieve in different ways. You have been so kind...

Precious Time

Posted By on May 2, 2012 in Blog |

Precious Time

As you travel through this journey with us, you will find all the love, light, truth and guidance you need to restore your true pathway with inner peace, and to have the ability to continue and enhance the journey of your own life. Be blessed....